突发!2022上海厨卫展延期至2023年6月举办! |
浏览量: 1368 日期: 2022-08-18 09:36:55 作者: admin 来源: 上海厨卫展 |
关于《2022中国国际厨房、卫浴设施展览会(第27届) – KBC2022》 延期举办至新档期的通知 尊敬的参展商、观众、业界同仁: 由于当前疫情防控形势仍然严峻,主办方决定:原定于2022年6月8-11日在上海新国际博览中心举办的《2022中国国际厨房、卫浴设施展览会(第27届) – KBC2022》延期至2023年6月7-10日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 感谢参展商、观众、业界同仁一直以来对本展的大力支持和积极参与!对展会不得不延期造成的诸多不便,我们深表歉意! 让我们一起携手同行,共克时艰,迎接未来!主办方将继续全力为此做好准备,继续为您提供诚挚、专业的服务。
上海环球展览有限公司 2022年8月18日
Notice of New Timeslot about Kitchen & Bath China 2022 Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Colleagues,As the current epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe, the organizer has decided: Kitchen & Bath China 2022, originally scheduled to be held at SNIEC on June 8 – 11, will be postponed to June 7 - 10, 2023 at the same venue. We wish to thank all the exhibitors, visitors and colleagues for their strong support and active participation! We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the postponement of the event. Let us work together to overcome the difficulties and embrace the future. We will continue to make every effort to prepare for this and continue to provide you with sincere and professional services.
Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd. August 18, 2022 |